Tamara Hartl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tamara Hartl)


Abschlussausstellung "The Wall" - Department Kunstwissenschaften -...

Tasja Tiedtke, Nikola Lea Wutz, Ekaterina Manukhina, Marina Rosenschon und Tamara Hartl. Zum gemeinsamen Begehen der Ausstellung sind alle herzlich eingeladen.

Smith College: Insight

A few years later, another Smith student (Tamara Hartl '95) and I published the first theoretical account of hoarding based on evidence we had ...

The Stress of Mess - Dealing With Clutter and Hoarding Issues - The...

Both Gaynor and Bratiotis suggest the book Digging Out by Michael Tompkins and Tamara Hartl as a good starting point with a harm reduction approach that ...
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