Tan Chi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tan Chi)


(1 - 4 von 10

Ex-RBS trader details bank's Libor fixing | Reuters

A former dealer for the Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC has provided fresh details on how traders at the British bank tried to influence Libor rates, court...

Guardian: RBS trader sent mocking messages as he tried to rig Libor, court told...

Online chats between colleagues said to contain boasts such as 'our six-month fixing moved the entire fixing hahahah'

Former RBS trader Tan Chi Min claims hedge fund asked UK bank to...

Tan Chi Min, a former RBS trader who claims he was wrongfully dismissed by the bank after it fired him for allegedly trying to manipulate Libor ...

Bloomberg: RBS Said To Have Dismissed Bankers In Libor Probe

RBS fired Paul White, Andrew Hamilton and Neil Danziger in London and Tan Chi Min was dismissed in Singapore for gross misconduct.
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