Tania Zimmermann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tania Zimmermann)


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Logró el título en la categoría damas y el tercer puesto en el grupo de los juniors Textual Precisión IMPARABLE. Tania Zimmermann también...

Mojos Bar reopening after surviving coronavirus pandemic as WA goes...

· Venue manager Tania Zimmermann said currently promoters did not have any local acts big enough to draw a crowd that would fill the theatre ...

Women's International Match Racing Association

WIMRA - Promoting women's match racing worldwide - www.wimra.org - the best source of women's match racing news, regatta links, and resources.

Affichage de contenus web

Les chercheurs de l'Empa, Gilberto Siqueira et Tania Zimmermann, du département de recherche appliquée sur le bois, ont réussi à ...
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