Telmary Diaz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Telmary Diaz)


(1 - 4 von 24
) Kuba-Rapperin Telmary: "Ich verteidige meine Wurzeln" - DER SPIEGEL

Während amerikanische HipHop-Stars das Ghetto-Elend vermarkten, findet in Kuba eine Revolution statt: Rap Cubano mischt das Genre auf - und findet im Debut der...

Dr. John’s latest disc salutes Louis Armstrong – The Mercury News
Dr. John's dad operated a general store that sold records, so "Louis was ... something on that song, but I have Telmary Diaz from Cuba doing a ...

Keith Spera's Sound Check: Randy Newman, Telmary and › keith_spera
Telmary Diaz and her band, Habana Sana, are at the vanguard of Cuba's hip-hop and urban music movements. Fusing traditional and ...

Jane Bunnett with Grupo Vocal Desandann: Embracing Voices - The...
An astonishing album's name is also the thread through both shows, this weekend: Embracing Voices. Soprano sax and flute virtuoso Jane Bunnett deploys many...
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