Teresa Langan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Teresa Langan)


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City jails woman over parking tickets - UPI.com

A young woman in Regina, Saskatchewan found out the Canadian city doesn't take kindly to unpaid parking tickets when she was arrested and jailed for 48 hours.

Woman found her arrest less than outstanding - The Globe and Mail

Allison Brewer never thought she would be the one placed under arrest when she called Fredericton police to report that she had been the victim of a theft.

City of Saskatoon frees parking ticket offender | CBC News

Some light has been thrown on the mysterious release of a Saskatoon woman jailed for failing to pay her parking tickets.

Glin Nov Limerick Leader

A TRANQUIL CHRISTMAS IN GLIN: Glin Development is delighted to announce that Phil Coulter, with special guest Geraldine Branagan, will perform at The Church of...
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