The Notebook Person-Info 

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The Comeback of the Notebook | All media content | DW.COM |
Even in the age of tablets and smartphones, the traditional notebook is enjoying a renaissance. The success of the Italian company Moleskine has turned them...

Klassik Radio - On Air
klassik radio, radioprogramm, online mediathek, radiofrequenzen, radio moderator, hörfunk, dab digitalradio

Emptying the Notebook: Hembree making a name for himself, and it...
Posted on IMO, without a proper solution to filling Belt's spot, we're just shuffling cards. You heard Hint: it's not Tim Lincecum. walt kovacs.

Nicholas Sparks Sued by Ex-Head of School for Racism and Homophobia
The former headmaster of the school alleges that Sparks made bigoted comments and did not support diversity
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