Thomas Delago Person-Info 

( Ich bin Thomas Delago)


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l'actualité snowboard - thomas delago
l'actualité snowboard - thomas delago

ISPO Munich: Digitalization drives growth in the sporting goods...
Snowy winter generates high demand First ISPO Munich Sports Week thrilled consumer More than 84,000 visitors from 120 countries—...

Texdata International - ISPO Munich: Digitalization drives growth in...
Thomas Delago, the Managing Director of Nitro Snowboards, saids: “The new concept with the central aisle created a feeling of openness. We were able to reach retailers who are not so heavily involved in the snowboard business as a result. Products were not just simply displayed here. They were placed on center-stage, and trends were showcased.”

Oberjoch lockt OldtimerFreunde - Kempten
· Im vergangenen Jahr kam der Gewinner allerdings mit Thomas Delago und Beifahrer Markus Weiss aus Oberammergau auf einem Renault Alpine A
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