Thomas Parry Person-Info 

( Ich bin Thomas Parry)


(1 - 4 von 29

James Thomas Parry Obituary | Star Tribune
Parry, James Thomas

Multi-screen cinema and restaurant plans for Haverfordwest - BBC News
A multi-screen cinema and restaurant complex could be built in a Pembrokeshire town.

Guardian: Blind date | Life and style | The Guardian

Did sparks fly for 28-year-old civil servant Zarine and photographer Thomas Parry, 28?

Tom Parry Jones - Telegraph
Tom Parry Jones, who has died aged 77, was a Welsh scientist who developed the world’s first electronic breathalyser in and sold the product to...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Thomas Parry
John Thomas
Vorname "Thomas" (124868)
Name "Parry" (553)
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