Tibor Keresztes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tibor Keresztes)


(1 - 4 von 10

Hungarian man suspected of Budapest blast detained: chief prosecutor...

A Hungarian man has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out a bomb attack in central Budapest last month in which two police officers were injured, chief...

Tibor Keresztes News - The latest news from TRT World

At TRT World, audiences can expect balanced, in-depth reporting with a focus on global responsibility. We bring you tibor keresztes news coverage 24 hours a...

Detienen a sospechoso de atentado en Budapest - Sputnik Mundo

Se informó que el fiscal general de Hungría, Tibor Keresztes, confirmó que un húngaro fue detenido en la ciudad de Keszthely bajo la ...

Hungarian man suspected of Budapest blast detained

A Hungarian man has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out a bomb attack in central Budapest last month
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