Tim Herpich Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Herpich)


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Veranstaltungen | Institut | Institut für Physik | Fak. NW | TU...

Institut für Physik: Veranstaltungen

Enxames de nanomáquinas podem melhorar eficiência de ...

... com as necessidades que temos nas aplicações da vida cotidiana," explica o pesquisador Tim Herpich, da Universidade de Luxemburgo.

How swarms of nanomachines could improve the efficiency of any...

The research team of Prof. Massimiliano Esposito of the University of Luxembourg studies the thermodynamics of small nanomachines only consisting of a few...

How swarms of nanomachines could improve the ef...

All machines convert one form of energy into another form - for example a car engine turns the energy stored in fuel into motion energy. Those processes of...
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