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Euro-Szenarien: Was tun, wenn der Euro bricht? - manager magazin ...

... eine jahrelange interne Abwertung mit sinkenden Löhnen und steigender Arbeitslosigkeit auszuhalten", meint Tim Ohlenburg vom Londoner ...

Germany powers eurozone economic surge - Mubasher

... Bank in an increasingly uncomfortable situation," said Tim Ohlenburg, senior economist at the Centre for Economic and Business Research.

Euro Area May Break Up by as Bailout Fight Hurts Relations, CEBR Says

“But it will be difficult to keep paying for the likely successive rounds of bailouts that are likely to be required,” CEBR economist Tim Ohlenburg said.

Greek euro exit could mean 'horrific scenario' - Channel 4 News

Economist Tim Ohlenburg, from the CEBR, told Channel 4 News: "It would certainly mean that Greece would have to default on its debts because these are denominated in
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Euro Area
Name "Ohlenburg" (25)
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