Tim Kees Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Kees)


Todessignal für Hirntumorzellen

Georg Gdynia, Martina Keith, Jürgen Kopitz, Marion Bergmann, Anne Fassl, Alexander N.R. Weber, Julie George, Tim Kees, Hans-Walter Zentgraf, Otmar D. Wiestler, Peter Schirmacher und Wilfried Roth: Danger signaling protein HMGB1 induces ...

Death Signal for Brain Tumor Cells

A protein which acts as a danger signal in the body causes an unknown form of cell death in malignant brain tumors. This process is characterized by the...

Bulletin: ASPCA Maclay Championship - Expert advice on horse...

The National Horse Show ended with nine hours of competition for what is perhaps the most coveted hunter seat equitation trophy, the silver plate that bears...
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