Tim Litfin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Litfin)


(1 - 4 von 24

Obituary: Peter Herbert was a busy volunteer, instant best friend -...

Trish Herbert knew that her husband, Peter, had befriended a lot of people, but she never realized how many until his death.

Strategic Planning With the Five Year Plan with President Tim Litfin...

Last Week's Program: on September 11th was a review of our club's five- year old five-year plan, with President Tim Litfin reviewing the salient points of the ...

Happy Birthday Tim Litfin | Rotary Club of Excelsior

. 25 meeting, and Jerry Brecke was collector of Happy Bucks and Joyce Kurus rang the bell for a $500 donation to Empty Bowls….. We also celebrated Tim Litfin's Birthday with special treats! …We're at the height of the winter ...

Tim Litfin on Tour de Tonka | Rotary Club of Excelsior

Our program on May 24th was a presentation on Tour de Tonka by our own member, Tim Litfin. Quick explanation: Tour de Tonka is a Saturday ...
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