Tina Brausam Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tina Brausam)


Burt Bacharach cancels 2 concerts to recover from broken arm |...

Publicist said she did not know how or when the six-time Grammy winner broke his arm

Burt Bacharach cancels two concerts to recover from broken arm |...

The composer and conductor is 88.

Burt Bacharach cancels 2 concerts to recover from broken arm

Publicist Tina Brausam said Bacharach plans to resume his touring schedule in October. She said she did not know how or when the six-time Grammy winner ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Tina Brausam
Elke Bachmann
Vorname "Tina" (25126)
Name "Brausam" (26)
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