Tina Hage Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tina Hage)


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Interim Measures Goldsmiths College London

A publication about Art, Education and Branding.

Guardian: 'You have to hold onto that passion and romance': British artist...

Today's art scene is a far cry from the moneyed days of the YBAs, so how are graduates preparing for their careers?

Gestalt by TIna Hage - Exhibition at Tenderpixel Gallery in London

Exhibition. Gestalt by TIna Hage. 10 Feb – 17 Mar Times and details Toggle. Event times. Wed-Sat 2-6pm, and also by appointment. Tenderpixel ...

Akademie der Bildenden Künste München - EINE MAUER AUS FLIESSEND...

Akademie der Bildenden Künste München. Die Kunstakademie ist eine der bedeutendsten und ältesten Kunsthochschulen Deutschlands.
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