Tiziana Vella Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tiziana Vella)


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Ħatja ta' thedida ta' bomba f'Ċentru tas-Saħħa - Newsbooknewsbook.com.mt › hatja-ta-thedida-ta-bomba-f-cen...

Sandra Ellul u Tiziana Vella kienu liberati bil-kundizzjoni li ma jwettqux reat ieħor fi żmien sena filwaqt li Christine Spiteri kienet ordnata li tagħmel 100 siegħa ...

backstube-saarland.de - aktuelle Meldungen

Hintere Reihe: Die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Bank 1 Saar Filiale in Dillingen: Patrick Nicklas und Tiziana Vella, Geschäftsführerin der Innung Sabine ...

100 hours of community work for cleaner guilty of bomb threat at...

· The other two cleaners are Sandra Ellul, 37 from Birzebbugia and Tiziana Vella, 21 from Zebbug, who were granted a conditional discharge for ...

Bomb hoax call was inspired by game sound effects, court hears -...

Three cleaners at the Floriana Health Centre made a fake bomb threat in January last year
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