Tom Kwiatkowski Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tom Kwiatkowski)


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New ALS gene mutation is discovered -
A U.S.-led team of scientists says it has discovered a new gene mutation, ALS6, that might lead to new treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

History | Geneva Lake Water Safety Patrol
In 1979, Tom Kwiatkowski stepped in as Director to fill the void left by Scherff. Kwiatkowski, known affectionately as “Kwiker,” added two boats to the fleet during ...

Learning Semantic Parsers for More Languages and with Less...
Joint work with Yoav Artzi, Tom Kwiatkowski, Sharon Goldwater, and Mark Steedman. Biography Luke Zettlemoyer is an Assistant Professor at the University of ...

Wegmans Employee Finds Success Through Arc of Monroe Program
Gaining employment can be a challenge. The Arc of Monroe County invited us to meet one of 400 workers in one of its programs that places the developmentally...
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