Tomislav Simovic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tomislav Simovic)

News »Der Gipfel des Horrors« - DER SPIEGEL

Eine Stadt stirbt, und die Welt sieht dem Morden mitten in Europa tatenlos zu. Unter serbischem Dauerbombardement versinkt Sarajevo in Schutt und Asche. Zwar...

Tomislav Simovic - World News
Tomislav Simovic on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and more, ...

[] Who are the generals demanded by The Hague?
... military zone (Sarajevo zone) general Milutin Kukanjac, the former chief of the counter-intelligence service general Aleksandar Vasiljevic, and general Tomislav Simovic

[] Carla del Ponte is strangling Kostunica and toppling...
... list includes some politicians (Vojislav Seselj, Branko Kostic, Momir Bulatovic and Milan Babic), pensioned soldiers (Veljko Kadijevic, Blagoje Adzic, Tomislav Simovic
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