Tomoaki Nakamura Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tomoaki Nakamura)


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October to see full car output
[The Japan Times] - "Automakers and electronic component makers may not only face output reduction, but also suspension of output," though many of them have resumed operations since the earthquake and tsunami, said Tomoaki Nakamura, vice president of research at IDC Japan

BBC NEWS | Technology | PlayStation 3 sells out at launch
The long-awaited Playstation 3 console sells out in Japanese stores after gamers queued for hours to get one.

Robots that can learn like humans
Here, Tomoaki Nakamura of UEC, Tokyo, and colleagues are conducting research on the realization of robots that can acquire knowledge in a ...

IDF San Francisco 2008: Tomoaki Nakamura -
Tomoaki Nakamura, General Manager Business Development Clarion, und Anand Chandrasekher enthüllen den auf Intel Atom-basierenden
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