Tory Castor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tory Castor)


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Mayor-elect Joe Hogsett announced the creation of a bipartisan,...
The nonprofit, One City Indy, will be the umbrella organization for Hogsett's administration as he prepares to take office

Mayor-elect Joe Hogsett announced the creation of a bipartisan,...
Tory Castor — IU Health. Maggie Lewis — City-County Council. Rob MacPherson — Central Indiana Community Foundation. Laurel Judkins ...

Tweaks in organ allocation may mean Hoosier wait longer for livers.
... said Tory Castor, senior vice president of government affairs for IU Health. The New York area, by comparison, has donation rates in the 30s.

Voting news and views | News |
Republican member and board chairperson Tory Castor said that removing Richardson would be a disservice to voters due to her years of ...
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Person "Castor" (4)
Vorname "Tory" (192)
Name "Castor" (296)
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