Tracey Mathias Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tracey Mathias)


(1 - 4 von 5
) Buchtipp: "Assalay" von Tracey Mathias - Gehrden -

- ein sehr spannender Abenteuerroman für junge Leser ab 11 Jahren. Dieser erste Roman der Autorin Tracey Mathias nimmt ab der ersten Seite den

Summer Thrills with Sue Wallman and Tracey Mathias 11 Aug
Join us as we welcome two of the best YA thriller writers in the UK to the store. Sue Wallman(author of Your Turn to Die) and hit newcomer Tracey ...

LONDON Book Club: Plotting, Pace and Tension with British › events › london-book-club-p...
We will be using the YA novel, 'Night of the Party' by Tracey Mathias as a starting point for this discussion, and we will be joined by the author, and her editor, Linas​ ...

Event Report: SCBWI’S London Celebrates 20 years of SCBWI BI by...
SCBWI London Brunch at Drink, Shop & Do for 20 Years of SCBWI BI with Tracey Mathias Potter, Julian Lees, Julie Sullivan and Andrew Syers.
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