Tsungda Hsu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tsungda Hsu)


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Source of drug tolerant TB is discovered - UPI.com

U.S.-led medical scientists say they have found the source of drug-tolerant tuberculosis, as well as the bacteria causing TB relapses.

Source of drug-tolerant tuberculosis possibly | EurekAlert!

University of Pittsburgh-led researchers discovered that the primary bacteria behind tuberculosis can grow on surfaces and that drug-tolerant strains flourish...

TB Vaccine Candidate Shows Early Promise | Albert Einstein College of...

Other Einstein researchers involved in the study were lead author Kari Sweeney, Ph.D.; Dee Dao, Ph.D.; Michael Goldberg, M.S.; Tsungda Hsu, ...

Pitt-led Researchers Find Source of Drug-Tolerant Tuberculosis...

PITTSBURGH-University of Pittsburgh-led researchers discovered that the primary bacteria behind tuberculosis can grow on surfaces and that drug-tolerant...
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