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Heise.de: Klimaneutralität: Die Chip-Industrie muss grüner werden | heise online

Nach Intel hat TSMC angekündigt, die Treibhausgas-Emissionen in den nächsten Jahrzehnten auf netto null zu drücken. Der CO2-Fußabdruck der Industrie ist groß.

Udit Gupta: Matinee Special music-shows National Capital Region...

Book online tickets for Udit Gupta: Matinee Special in National Capital Region (NCR) on BookMyShow which is a music-shows event happening at.

Can the Computer Chip Industry Reduce Its Carbon Footprint? - Slashdot

vor 6 Tagen · ... for most of the carbon output" from electronics devices, the Harvard researcher Udit Gupta and co-authors wrote in a paper.

NCLT admits insolvency plea against Indian tea company McLeod Russel...

NCLT has admitted an insolvency plea against tea producer McLeod Russel by Techno Electric, which has claimed that McLeod defaulted on a Rs 100 crore loan.
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