Utkarsh Kumar Gupta Person-Info 

( Ich bin Utkarsh Kumar Gupta)


(1 - 4 von 8

India smash Pakistan in South Asian final

Defending champions beat hosts 3-0 in junior table tennis event.

Delhi's Utkarsh Gupta wins Junior title; Akula is girls' champion

Durgapur, October 31: Utkarsh Gupta, the boy from Delhi, won the season's first title beating Maharashtra's Ravindra Kotiyan in the final of the Junior Boys ...

Utkarsh Gupta Photos - The Times of India Photogallery

Utkarsh Gupta Photos. See latest Utkarsh Gupta Pics and Photogallery at Times of India.

World Ranking

... Abishek Yadav and Utkarsh Gupta in Boys U-15 section played outstandingly in the current season and succeeded with a giant leap in the World Ranking's ...
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Person "Gupta" (2)
Vorname "Kumar" (644)
Name "Gupta" (4490)
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