V. Paffenholz Person-Info 

( Ich bin V. Paffenholz)


New study implicates unusual class of circula | EurekAlert!

Cancer cells are notorious for their genomes gone haywire, often yielding fusion proteins -- mash-ups of two disparate genes that, once united, assume new and...

new study implicates unusual class of circular rnas in cancer | BIDMC...

... include BIDMC investigators Marco Bezzi, Jong Cheol Jeong, Stella V. Paffenholz, Kelsey Berry, Matteo M. Naldini, and Andrew H. Beck.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu V. Paffenholz
Marco Bezzi
Person "Paffenholz" (2)
Name "Paffenholz" (204)
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