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(1 - 4 von 7
) Iran: Ahmadinedschad will Frauen ins Kabinett berufen - DER SPIEGEL

Gesundheit und Soziales sollen künftig Frauensache in Iran sein - auch auf Regierungsebene. Der erzkonservative Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad kündigte an,...

Iran sending food, medicines to iraq - UPI Archives
Iran announced Friday that it was sending food and medicines to Iraq under the supervision of the International Red Cross, the official Islamic Republic News...

Defying world opinion, Iran expands 'show trials'
LinkedIn. 0. TEHRAN, Iran - Iran expanded a mass trial of opposition ... Marzieh Vahid Dastgerdi, 50, a gynecologist, will become health ...

Ahmadinejad Names Women Ministers
Iran News
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