Valentine Schiller Person-Info 

( Ich bin Valentine Schiller)


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plain text - North Carolina Newspapers
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Schiller Midway Park, Valentine, Jr.,, born June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Cur tis, Atlantic, Sheila Van, bom, May 30. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Lewis, Smyr na, Clem, Jr., born way zo. Mr. and Mrs. Halsey W. Salter, Sea Level, girl, born May 31. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Jarvis, Aurora but formerly of Straits.

Chamber of Commerce doles out awards
Gazette.Net: Maryland Community Newspapers Online

1934 News
At the same time, Miss SCHILLER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine SCHILLER, will be remarried on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, while Mrs.

14 Feb LAW COURTS - Trove
Herbert Valentine Schiller, trading as. Line ' Ziegler and ' Schiller, Malcolm Boyce. Line Pbilps. electrician, of Haiton terrace,. Line
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