Verena Schuenemann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Verena Schuenemann)


(1 - 4 von 57

Die Geschichte der Lepra -
Wieso ist die Lepra in Europa ausgestorben? Am Bakterium, das die Krankheit auslöst, liegt es nicht. Das zeigt die Entzifferung des Erbguts von...

NewsFullview-Landingpage | University of Tü › article › first-an...
... a confident diagnosis through osteological observation,” explains Verena Schuenemann of the University of Zurich, first author of the paper.

Black Death Genome Could Reveal Secrets of Ancient And Modern...
Along with Poinar and Krause, Kirsten Bos, Brian Golding and David Earn of McMaster University, Verena Schuenemann of the University of ...

Scientists recover genomic data from Egyptian mummies, a first -...
A team of German researchers has successfully sequenced DNA from ancient Egyptian mummies. It's the first time mummies have yielded reliable genomic data.
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