Veronica Held Person-Info 

( Ich bin Veronica Held)


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Veronica Held Hoffmann -
Clipping found in The St. Louis Star and Times in St. Louis, Missouri on Aug 31, Veronica Held Hoffmann

Veronica Nelson's death in custody outraged a nation. ...Australian Broadcasting Corporation
— Percy wants to see those who had a duty of care to Veronica held accountable. ABC News: Joseph Dunstan. The voices of Veronica's family have ...

A Gratitude Celebration for the Life of Veronica PelicaricPace e Bene Nonviolence Service
... nonviolence trainer, spiritual mentor, intuitive guide and loving friend, Veronica held a multitude of roles in wide-ranging circles of connection.

Bräunlingen: Förderverein hat neue Vorsitzende - Donaueschingen &...
Claudia Kittner-Sobott tritt Nachfolge von Vera Sulzmann an
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