Yasni Exposé von Viola Hauser



Viola Hauser, 54, Author, Tour Guide, Teacher, Tetenbuell

Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: Creative, flexible, energetic, native German speaking team-player with always new ideas - that's me: Viola D. Hauser, a german author, tour guide and teacher who loves the USA and was enchanted of New Mexico on diffrent road trips. Born in 1970 in a little village at the Black Forrest, Germany, I moved to Germany's North Sea Coast in 2005 and worked as a youth care worker and teacher. My first book "Seashellsecrets - eine Reise an die Nordsee in Märchen, Bildern und Gedichten" (BoD) was published in 2011. "Seashellsecrets" is a lyric ode to the North Sea. In 2014 I published my second book: "Roadrunner's Rezepte für Frühstück und Brunch" (createspace.com) is a culinary declaration of love to New Mexico. Stuffed with delicious breakfast and brunch recipes, informations and hints, the book is more than "just" a cookbook. It's a combination of a cookbook, a guide book and an encyclopedia.
Viola Hauser @ Tetenbuell

2 Bilder von Viola

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Viola Hauser @ Tetenbuell
Mai 13  +
Viola Hauser @ Tetenbuell
Apr 14  +

3 Informationen zu Viola Hauser

Facebook-Profil von Viola Hauser

Roadrunner's Rezepte. 36 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben. "Roadrunner's Reze...
Viola Hauser @ Tetenbuell
facebook.com 10.04.14  +  

Viola D. Hauser at Amazon.de

Besuchen Sie Amazon.de's Viola D. Hauser Autorenseite und kaufen Sie Bücher von Viola D. Hauser und...
Viola Hauser @ Tetenbuell
amazon.de 10.04.14  +  

Roadrunner's Rezepte für Frühstück und Brunch

"Roadrunner's Rezepte für Frühstück und Brunch" ist, wie der Buchtitel schon sagt, eine ku...
Viola Hauser @ Tetenbuell
createspace.com 07.04.14  +  

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