Violet Ann Dart Person-Info 

( Ich bin Violet Ann Dart)


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Guardian: Portrait is JMW Turner as a young man | JMW Turner | The Guardian

Hi-tech scan ends two centuries of dispute over whether drawing is a rare image of JMW Turner in his prime

Julia Ann Dart | Powell Tribune
She had been a resident of Powell since when she moved to the community following the tragic death of her husband, Bill Dart, in while the family was...

Ann Dart - The Northern Echo
DART January 14 (peacefully) formerly of Wethers Nook, Hartfield and Parkwood , Trimdon, Ann aged 66 years. Dearly loved partner of the late ...

Local students at LSMSA participate in production of 'Rhinoceros' |...
Local students at Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts participated in the school’s recent theater production of “Rhinoceros.”
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