Vivek Kundra Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vivek Kundra)


(1 - 4 von 70

Kundra says reducing data centers takes a village
[] - And in the last few days before chief information officers turn their strategies into the Office of Management and Budget, Vivek Kundra, the federal CIO

Troubled IT projects affecting contractors too
[] - Perhaps we change the scope of the deliveries, perhaps we break it into pieces which is what we've heard Vivek Kundra talk about, there are a variety of

Obama administration targeting ineffective contracts in an effort to trim costs
[WTN News] - "We need to end a culture in Washington where we continue to throw good money after bad money," said Vivek Kundra, the government's chief information

Google News: US-Regierung gibt Leitfaden zu Rechenzentren in Auftrag

[] - Im Februar legte der CIO der Bundesregierung, Vivek Kundra, einen Bericht vor, in dem es hieß, man wolle "den gesamten Energieverbrauch und Platzbedarf
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