Vladimir Alejo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vladimir Alejo)


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Cuban hunger striker who sewed lips shut is hospitalized – The Denver...

Vladimir Alejo Miranda, 47, stopped eating 62 days ago, sewed his mouth Sept. 5 and stopped drinking water Tuesday, journalist Heriberto ...

Cuban man who sewed mouth shut in hunger strike to protest DVD...

Vladimir Alejo Miranda fainted on Wednesday at his home in Guanabacoa, just outside Havana, Leordan Alejo told The Associated Press.

En huelga de hambre con la boca cosida en Cuba

Los ex presos políticos Vladimir Alejo Miranda y Ángel Enrique Fernández reclaman desde hace un mes la mejora de los derechos humanos y la liberación de Alan...

Cuban man who sewed mouth shut collapses - Boston.com

He said his father began the strike two months ago, sewed his mouth shut on Sept. 7 and stopped drinking water and tea earlier this week. Vladimir Alejo's wife
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