Vladimir Samsonov Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vladimir Samsonov)


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Belarus legend Vladimir SAMSONOV donated EurosETTU.org

— Vladimir SAMSONOV is in Montenegro with his family. There is more strict quarantine and you cannot leave the house without the need.

News. Ma Long vs Samsonov Vladimir (history of confrontation)tt-kharkiv.com

... Vladimir Samsonov the nemesis; again for Ma Long the man to beat. More. World Table Tennis Championships-2019: Ma Long vs Vladimir Samsonov | FULL MATCH (HD).

Ma Long wins gold in all-China affair | Reuterswww.reuters.com › article › us-olympics-rio-tablete...

· Mizutani clinched bronze by beating Belarusian Vladimir Samsonov, giving Japan its first ever medal in the table tennis men's singles and ...

aftonbladet.se: Vladimir Samsonov slog ut Truls Möregårdh i bordtennis-EM

Dåtiden blev för tuff för framtiden. Bordtennislegendaren Vladimir Samsonov, 42, slog ut svenske supertalangen Truls Möregårdh, 16, i EM:s ...
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Timo Boll
Vorname "Vladimir" (6123)
Name "Samsonov" (40)
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