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NZZ: Kristallzucht für Fortgeschrittene | NZZ

Einkristalle werden für viele technische Anwendungen gebraucht, aber ihre Herstellung ist notorisch schwierig. Zwei neue Methoden versprechen das zu ändern.

esutajit.cf › business › kevin-peter-odonnell-volk...Kevin Peter ODonnell, Volkmar Dierolf Rare-Earth esutajit.cf

Kevin Peter O'Donnell, Volkmar Dierolf. Editors Kevin O'Donnell • Volkmar Dierolf Spintronic Applications for Optoelectronic and Rare Earth Doped III-Nitrides.

Scientists fabricate a new class of crystalline solid

Scientists at Lehigh University, in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, have demonstrated the fabrication of what they call a new class...

Uncovering oxygen's role in enhancing red LEDs

Uncovering oxygen's role in enhancin ... Uncovering oxygen's role in enhancing red LEDs. 14-Jan said Volkmar Dierolf , ...
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