Walter Bodmer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Walter Bodmer)


(1 - 4 von 51
) Geschoß von der Maus - DER SPIEGEL

Der Berliner Krebsforscher-Kongreß offenbarte ein Dilemma: Die Krebsdiagnostik mit Hilfe von Gentests eilt der Therapie voraus.

Ikonisys Reports Positive Results From Clinical Study Designed to...
Led by world-renowned scientist, Sir Walter Bodmer, the study ... the possibilities of this technology both for monitoring cancer recurrence and ...

Scientists find quicker way to study cancer drivers - News | Khaleej...
LONDON - British scientists have found a new and faster way of studying a crucial class of cancer cells, called cancer stem cells, which they say should...

Scientist who wrote the language of life | Deccan Herald
In James Watson and Francis Crick discovered that genetic information was held as DNA, which consisted of a spectacular double backbone of sugar and...
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