Walter Peine Person-Info 

( Ich bin Walter Peine)


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Jubilahrehrung IG BCE Dorsten-HolsterhausenLokalkompass
— 65 Jahre: Inge Ossendoth, Wilhelm Brinkert, Theodor Jandewerth, Walter Peine, Walter Stueer, Felix Thiemann, Karl Weiner, Helmut Wiebe.

Obituary for Walter
Walter Peine Walter Peine, a former resident of Colony, died Sunday, April 15, at Dodge City. He was 93 years old. Peine was a farmer and stockman.

Lois L. Peine - News-Herald
— ... son, Walter Peine of Hinckley; grandsons, Thomas Dominic Phillips and Bob Butcher; great-grandson, Thomas Dominic Phillips II, ... › amp

Senior Living News and EventsBelmont Village Senior Living
As Seen on FOX26 Happy Birthday to Walter Peine, the Astros' oldest fan! He just celebrated his 104th birthday on October 20th. Walter's love for the team ...
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