Wendy U Huynh Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wendy U Huynh)


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Günstige Solarzellen aus Plastik und Nanostäbchen - netzeitung.de

30. März – «Wir nutzen einen viel dreckigeren Prozess, der die Produktion billig macht», sagt Wendy Huynh, Chemikerin an der University of California ...

Solar Cells Flexible Enough To Be Painted On Surfaces

Alivisatos and his co-authors, graduate student Wendy U. Huynh and post-doctoral fellow Janke J. Dittmer, report their development in today's issue of Science.

University of California - UC Newsroom | …, Plastic Solar Cells May ...

Alivisatos and his co-authors, graduate student Wendy U. Huynh and post-doctoral fellow Janke J. Dittmer, report their development in the March 29 issue of Science.

Study paves way for …, efficient solar cells - SciDev.Net

Now, Wendy U. Huynh and colleagues from the University of California, United States have drawn from the best of both worlds by combining plastic polymers with
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