William Seitz Person-Info 

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Spiegel.de: OP ART: Zirkus fürs Auge - DER SPIEGEL

... laut Museums -Kurator William Seitz "weniger Objekte als Generatoren der reagierenden Wahrnehmung" - induzieren auf der Netzhaut ungewöhnliche Reize:

Surgeon gives Ohio toddler hand up on a new life | The Seattle Times

When Virginia Ogburn was born, her parents couldn't count 10 fingers and 10 toes. The baby's feet were fine, and so was her right hand. But her left arm...

Surgeon Creates Fingers for Gavin Azzopardi, Michigan Boy Born With...

Gavin Azzopardi, now three years old, was born with a thumb and pinky on each hand, but no other fingers. Dr. William Seitz, an orthopedic surgeon at Cleveland...

william seitz Videos | Latest Videos of william seitz - Times of Indiatimesofindia.indiatimes.com › william seitz › Videos

william seitz. in the Videos | LAST UPDATED : Jun 22, 2021, 05:30 AM IST ...
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