William Wergin Person-Info 

( Ich bin William Wergin)


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Newly found genes may lead to nematode-resistant upland cotton

Credit: William Wergin and Richard Sayre. Colorized by Stephen Ausmus. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researchers have made ... Es fehlt: hochwald ‎nahrungsmittel ‎werke ‎gmbh

A greener way to raise cotton and combat nematodes

Credit: William Wergin and Richard Sayre. Colorized by Stephen Ausmus. (Phys. org) -- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are ...


At their Agricultural Research Service Laboratory, current snowflake researchers William Wergin and Eric Erbe catch snowflakes, freeze them, coat them in metal ...

Snowflakes keep their cool | New Scientist

SINCE Robert Hooke published drawings of snowflakes in his Micrographia in 1665, scientists have made thousands of such observations through light microscopes....
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