Willy Roedel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Willy Roedel)


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Mystery swirling around death of Holocaust hero Wallenberg deepens |...

The accusations came after Moscow released new material about a German officer, Willy Roedel, who shared a prison cell with Wallenberg, ...

KGB blocked Wallenberg probe, Sweden knew: researcherssg.news.yahoo.com › kgb-blocked...

And after years of requesting investigative material on Wallenberg's cell mate Willy Roedel, they say they discovered only a few months ago ...

New book raises suspicion Russia is concealing info on missing...

AMSTERDAM — Russian archivists have published new material from a German officer imprisoned after World War II who shared a cell with Raoul Wallenberg, the missing Swedish diplomat credited with rescuing tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews. Publication of the statements from Willy Roedel came ...

Moscow - Russians Print New Info Linked to Raoul Wallenberg - VINnews

Publication of the statements from Willy Roedel came as a surprise since the Russians had previously denied they existed, say two ...
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