Wilma Lange Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wilma Lange)


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William (Bill) Wick | Rome Daily Sentinelromesentinel.com › stories › william-bill-wick,40427

· He was the son of Otto and Wilma Lange Wick. He graduated from Plymouth High School in 1940, attended the University of Minnesota for a year ...

Robert Wollenweber, The Advocate-Messengerwww.amnews.com › › robert-wollenwe...

· In he married Wilma Lange. They had three children, Elizabeth, Faith and Mark; seven grandchildren, Benjamin, David, Jonathan, Elinor, ...

NACH ACHT - Biederbach - Badische Zeitung

NACH ACHT Jahren beendeten Vanessa Hin, Alexandra Ruf und Niklas Hin ihren Dienst als Ministranten in der katholischen Kirchengemeinde St. Mansuetus in...
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