Wolfgang Hoeltgen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wolfgang Hoeltgen)


German companies explore JV opportunities with Gujarat

— Wolfgang Hoeltgen, GIBC Hannover head, presented the opportunities in areas of renewable energy, life sciences, information and — For the purpose, Wolfgang Hoeltgen, founder of the centre, interacted with select industrialists from the city on Saturday evening. › ...

The Top 5 Fastest Growing Startups in India!

— Founder/s: Samay Kohli, Akash Gupta, Wolfgang Hoeltgen. What does it Do: Automating door-to-door delivery with worker robots and machines, ... › fastest...

How this founder made the switch from IT services to software

— Mishra borrowed the following year, and raised $70,000 from angel investor Wolfgang Hoeltgen. The Interview Mocha product hit the market in ... › news

"Frugale" Innovationen - SWR2 - SWR.de

— Wolfgang Hoeltgen hat in Indien eine Firma gegründet, in der Studierende und Ingenieure nach diesen Gesichtspunkten Produkte entwickeln. › SWR2 › Wissen
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