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Kult-Puzzle "Rubik’s Cube" erlebt Renaissance -
Berlin. Für manch einen ist er ein Relikt aus den 80ern, das einen selbst rückblickend noch zur Verzweiflung treibt: der Zauberwürfel...

WATCH: Canadian teen sets Rubik’s Cube world record - National |...
As Rubik's Cube fans mark its 40th anniversary, a Canadian teen set a world record over the weekend, solving the puzzle in under 13 seconds using one hand.

Chinese boy, aged nine, sets new Rubik's Cube 'record' - BBC News
A nine-year-old boy from north east China sets a new world record in his age group for solving a Rubik's Cube, according to Chinese state media.

Watch this teen break the world record for solving a Rubik’s Cube –...
How fast can you solve a Rubik’s Cube? Not as fast as a Pennsylvania teenager who just set the world record
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