Yòhanna Gudrùn Jònsdòttir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yòhanna Gudrùn Jònsdòttir)


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Guardian: The day the women went on strike | Gender | The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › world › oct › gender

· Gudrun Jonsdottir still remembers what she was wearing on October She was 21, just married with a young child, and was not going to ...

Gudrun Jonsdottir - Life Matters - ABC Radio National

one of the organisers of the women’s day off event

Renee Gerlich Interview with Gudrun Jonsdottir | Women’s Liberation...

  WLRN is happy to give women a platform for critical thought about all topics that impact the lives of girls & women. Renee Gerlich, popular New Zealand-based...

Bützow: Island lernt von Stadt an der Warnow | svz.de

Museumsleiterin der Vulkaninsel besucht das Krumme Haus. Deutscher Bibliotheksverband vermittelte den Kontakt
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Yòhanna Gudrùn Jònsdòttir
Yänu Lanz
Isábéllá Márié Swán-Colt
Name "Jònsdòttir" (1)
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