Yalcin Aksoy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yalcin Aksoy)


CNN - Olympic leaders to learn results of bribery probe Sunday -...

Yalcin Aksoy said the Turkish committee turned down the offers. "We are not saying that all IOC members are corrupt, but out of the 100-odd ...

The Latest: IAAF has no plans to test suspect drug samples

The statement says the comments by Yalcin Aksoy, secretary general of the Turkish committee, "were the personal views of an individual and ...

Mudslinging is a medal sport in Olympics race - AP Newsapnews.com › ...

· ``This was an injustice,″ bid chief Yalcin Aksoy said. ``The strength of the bid is not reflected in the report.″.

Olympia 2012: Moskau übt schon - Sport - Tagesspiegel

... sagt der Chef des türkischen Vorbereitungskomitees, Yalcin Aksoy. Reporter und Fotografen strafen ihn und seinen Landsmann, den Ringer Naim Süleymanoglu, ...
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