Yasushi Mukai Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yasushi Mukai)


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DENSO to Exhibit at IAA Mobility in MunichFinanzNachrichten.de

— Presenters: Shinnosuke Hayashi, President and COO of DENSO Corporation Yasushi Mukai, President and CEO, DENSO International Europe

Denso appoints Yasushi Mukai as chief executive of Diesel Systems ...autotechinsight.ihsmarkit.com › news › denso-appoi...

· Denso has appointed Yasushi Mukai as the chief executive of its Diesel Systems Business Unit, the company announced in a press release on ...

DENSO announces personnel and organizational changes | Automotive...

DENSO Corporation, the world’s second largest mobility supplier, today announced changes of its leadership personnel and organization effective April 1, 2020

A Multi-faceted Approach to Unlocking Sustainable MobilityDENSOx

Yasushi Mukai is the President & CEO of DENSO International Europe, DENSO Group's European headquarters located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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