Yoel Meital Cohen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yoel Meital Cohen)


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Taz: Spionage, Landesverrat, Kollaboration - taz.detaz.de › Archiv

· Yoel Cohen zur „Affäre“ Vanunu und dem geheimen Atomwaffenarsenal in Israel.

Ballot is battleground for Israeli town torn by religion | Reuters

When this Israeli town goes to the polls on Tuesday, the vote may decide more than a bitter mayoral race. Many see it as a bellwether for the strained...

Ferry cook admits killing gap-year student's boyfriend

A passenger ferry cook yesterday confessed to killing the Israeli boyfriend of a British gap-year student in a

Yoel Cohen (Hrsg.): Spiritual News. Reporting Religion around the...

Zugespitzt, aber durchaus treffend beschreibt Yoel Cohen – in Anlehnung an »only bad news are good news« – die gängige Vorstellung von Religionsjournalismus ...
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