Yosuke Kato Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yosuke Kato)


Aktuelles -1

Und wenn alles klappt können wir Yosuke Kato noch dieses Jahr bei uns in Seifh. begrüßen. Shiro Yamamoto Sensei. Gruppenbild. Satoru Yokoyama Sensei.

We sell and make the Kinokuniya Mitanis collection ukiyoe ...クロスランゲージ

[the date and time] Saturday, September 4 14:00-15:30 (opening 13:30) [lecturer] Yosuke Kato (Nerima Art Museum president curator) ...

Master of Engineering Graduates Receive Degrees and Awards at...

Master of Engineering recipients celebrated the completion of their degree program as awards were given for academic and project performance. Winning projects...
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