Yudi Saputra Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yudi Saputra)


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Smuggled orangutans start new life after repatriation to Indonesiasg.news.yahoo.com › smuggled-orangutans-start-life...

· By Yudi Saputra. JAMBI (Reuters) - A pair of critically endangered orangutans, rescued from smugglers on the Thai-Malaysian border in 2017, ...

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Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in markets, business, politics, entertainment, technology, video and...

Equipes de resgate procuram vítimas de naufrágio em lago vulcânico na...

Equipes de resgate indonésias enfrentaram chuva e ondas de até dois metros de altura, nesta ...

Tawuran Pelajar di Bogor, 1 Siswa Tewas Disabet Celurit

Tawuran terjadi di pinggir Jalan Raya Mayor Oking, Citereup, Kabupaten Bogor untuk berangkat sekolah pagi ini.
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Vorname "Yudi" (121)
Name "Saputra" (185)
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